With a business development background that’s more app than snack, Pasternak plans to use his technology pedigree to his advantage as Nuggs attempts to carve out a place for itself in an already crowded market. The company operates similar to a technology startup, with Pasternak taking a unique approach to product development. Much like an app, Nuggs will release updates to its nuggets as the formula is constantly improved upon in response to user feedback, according to a recent press release.

Source: Meet the future: the plant-based, lab-grown meat industry of tomorrow | Big Data | GigaBit

By Grégory Maubon

Leading Innovation ++ on the Field ++ with a Purpose => I used AI in cultivated meat industry to optimize bioreactor design and to dramatically improve the efficiency and quality of production. I developed high quality 3D imagery process in a biotechnological startup to disrupt the drug discovery methods.

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